Wednesday, July 21, 2010

more Taftiness @ Yosemite...


Sedum spp.  I LOVE this plant. Have a weakness for succulents that are SO tough they grow on granite, not to mention where it's covered in snow and blasted by wind all winter. Wow!

Lovely, shiny little bug on a monkey flower, along the trail to Taft Point.

Wonderful rocks at Taft Point. Note how far the next rock wall is... !

Big burrow right along the trail. So intrigued: who lives there?!? Apparently they are not terribly shy...


P.S. Going to the east side (I think for the first time this year!!) of the Sierras this weekend--my deadline is finally done, so we're takin' off. Of COURSE will bring my beloved Nikon. =) So you getta go, too! xoxo

1 comment:

Cool people write inside rectangles....