Monday, February 4, 2013

You can take the girl out of the field...

Grace Kelly would never do this.

A year ago I got a lagniappe (gift-with-purchase):
a small, black sequined purse.

Having no idea what to do w/it,
I flung it into my closet.

6 months later, at an REI sidewalk sale,
I got a fabulous deal on some bomber boots. 

And when I got home, flung those pups into the closet.

I only just noticed today, another 6 months later,
that I'd CRUSHED this tiny, delicate, evening clutch
with my gigantic, lug soled, all-leather (not light) boots.


1. I need to clean & organize my closet. STAT.

2. No matter what, I am just not a sequin kinda girl.

3. You can take the girl out of the field,
but you can't always take the field out of the girl.




  1. I am not a sequin kinda girl either, I'd rather have hiking boots and a great backpack!

    1. =) My husband never bought me flowers, but on more than one occasion, when I'd fly in to meet him, he'd appear with new hiking boots for me and proceed to put them on my feet. And he'd have a matching pair.

      Aw... =)

  2. HA! Yes. That sounds about right. I'm pretty sure I'd get made fun of over and over if any of my friends saw my with anything sequined. (weird word). I have a black Kavu satchel (as i like to call it) that is the only thing i use. It's more faded gray now though...I need new boots big time, by the way!

    1. Now, satchel is a great word. =) Much more suitable for a field chick than some tiny, shiny thing that doesn't actually carry anything useful, except a small sunscreen & lip balm combo. Duct tape would def. not fit.

      Hope you get some kickin' new boots!! =)


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