Monday, January 18, 2010

And the photo theme winner is...

Flowers and bugs!

Going through my pics last night to get them onto my mac was a revelation.

I have a lot of pictures of bugs. A LOT. I had no idea.

For a trip that involved the midwest, I'm pretty sure there are more pictures of bugs than people.

ANYhow, here's the first of several.

This is a tiny caterpillar we saw on a blooming indigo plant in the Anza-Borrego desert. Tiny, adorable creature. And the colors in that plant make me nuts--white stems, super dark, intense purple blossoms, so beautiful.

I'm off to clean the coops. It's going to rain a TON so I want the interior of their coop to be as dry and clean as possible, since they'll be spending a lot of time there over then next week.

Will post more pics later. =)  Enjoy!


P.S. Aw, heck, here's one more...

This flower is a native to the Texas region, HUGE red flowers on a towering plant. The instigator is a neighbor of relatives in Texas who has landscaped in all natives, almost making me swoon. Gave us a tour of everything, and I took lots of photos, catching these dashing creatures amid all the shiny red.

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