Sunday, October 10, 2010


Poor creatures. They try to fit in. But they don't:




can you spot the frankencookies?

Spackled by icing, they blend in BETTER, but not perfectly.

Their friends know.

However, let us not forget that even those individuals who look perfect and seem to lead a charmed life may have their own issues to deal with.

Whether we see evidence of it, or not.

Luctor et emergo.




  1. Everything blends in somewhere, perfect or not :)

  2. These are hilarious... and delicious. Best of both worlds... glad to have stumbled upon your site from the Nature Blog Network - we're two wildlife biologists new to the network and looking forward to following your adventures :)

  3. LOL! As long as they don't go mad and end up fleeing to the Arctic with you in pursuit. (I may be over thinking this.)

  4. @Ben&CarrieT: =) Glad you enjoyed them. Yes, I'm SUCH a bio nerd, when I was in this amazing cookie shop (NOT my normal pastime, but it was at a bus stop I used in Seattle) they had 9,000 kinds of cookie cutters, and I decided I'd only buy cutters of native species that live on our property. Welcome to the Nature Blog Network! I'm already diggin' your blog. Nice!

    @Snail: No doubt. I AM responsible. I don't think you over thought it, I think I under thought it. Oh, that's right, I ATE them. Insensitive monster that I am. =) (phew!)


Cool people write inside rectangles....