Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A valiant effort

to rain, but none was forthcoming.

It was nice to have cloud cover, though.
Back to sunny and mid-60s. In JANUARY.
And there's a wildfire in the county.
In what is normally the COLDEST, wettest* month of the year.


*I KNOW we get our coldest temps in Jan, not sure we get the most rain then, but we're Mediterranean, so get the VAST majority of our precipitation in winter, and virtually ZERO June-October. And so far, January is precip-free, which is FREAKY. Setting records all over the place, in this, the first month after the driest year on record for California.

1 comment:

  1. Such a lovely photograph! Looks very much like dusk here today, and it's Summer here. A nice overcast day, though. Wonderful break from the blazing sun!


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