Tuesday, March 1, 2016

February flash, flung 1 day late =D

 He is glorious; she has the munchies.
It's that time of year, turkeys parading all over.
I LOVE the percussion males provide to accompany their dance. SO COOL!

Squirrel-y cunning leads to tasty breakfast.
Extremely impressive core strength in this creature.

new-to-me species!

Common sharp-tailed snake (Contia tenuis) I found while raking around the grape arbor.
 Pretty gorgeous tummy, eh?
Those are pine needles, so you can see this is a SMALL snake.

It was kinda cold, so I righted the snake for a photo,
then returned it to its home under a bunch of leaf litter.
Such an exciting discovery, and I'm glad it was unharmed (far as I could tell).
For more info on this species, I highly recommend its page at Calherps.

Now that gardening activity is on the upswing (here in the northern hemisphere),
a friendly reminder to CHECK under your row covers
EACH a.m. & release anything trapped w/in. =)
Beautiful male wasp (ichneumon, I believe)
I found under my row cover and released. 

It was 0% aggressive and, btw, males don't have the
equipment to sting. Note LACK of pointy barb @ end. =)

From February 1st--note the snow on the ground.
Seems like FOREVER ago. =)

Super cool stuff soil does when the cold freezes the water out.
I didn't grow up in really cold places, so this is fascinating to me. 

One of the first macro photos I ever took was
of this non-native early bloomer, red-stemmed filaree.
Changed my view of the world.
I'm a sucker for visible pollen grains, especially on purple anthers! =)

A lovely little flower...

Gorgeous small beetle I saw clambering across the greenery as I photographed the above flower.
So glad I got to see it.

Wildlife prints I found at the work site:
best part is the gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) print...
you can SEE the fur on the underside of the fox feet. SO cool!

K. That's some of the myriad delights that transpired in spring.

March onward!!! =)



  1. Oxygen. Your posts are like oxygen.

    1. Holy compliment-that-takes-my-breath-away-and-makes-me-blush. Wow. THANK YOU, Sarah. =)
      VERY glad you find them helpful. =) Breathing good. xoxo

  2. Only you see the world through your eyes, bb, but thankfully this blog brings the rest of us a whole lot closer. On the thermometer pic, is that a bug at about 70F, when it was actually -6C?

    1. =) Observant of you re: bug @70F. It's a mere HUSK of a bug, the empty-potato-chip-bag equivalent for the local spider. =)

  3. Excellent captures my friend. =0)


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