Friday, February 11, 2011

Phriday photo quiz

2002 photo of biobabbler at work (in the day).

(photo by B. Becker)

What is she doing?



  1. thinking (and counting) inside the box.

  2. hmmm, maybe a little tidepool monitoring with the waves crashing in...

  3. FYI reminder: people guessing RIGHT on the dot will have to wait to see their guess. I will let a few folks guess a bit before I post your genius. =)

  4. You're attempting to drown yourself after failing to win the 2002 Hoola Hoop Championship (for obvious reasons).

  5. Nice one Cindy, and Lynda, you got an lol before my 1st whole cup of coffee--nice work! Totally funny.

  6. And that surf board isn't optimal either.

  7. Obviously, getting ready to sample flora/fauna with 1-m2 quadrats.

  8. So? Did Jim have the answer? I had nothing, but am waiting for the real answer.

    ....and hoping I understand it. (flora/fauna-yes...1-m2 quadrats....ummmm....some type of lab vermin? very scary ones from a horror film?)

  9. =) Yup, rocky intertidal monitoring is what I was doing. =) Specifically, I believe I was wading out in the semi-deep 'cause I was finding plots, going ahead of our marine biologist (and plot photographer), laying the quadrats onto the specified boulders (see laminated sheet in hand is a map of same) JUST the way it's supposed to go, so the MB can get to the boulder and SHOOT right away vs. hunt for boulder marking blobs. And those mussel plots can be pretty "low" in the intertidal = DEEP. =)


Cool people write inside rectangles....