Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Getty goodies (eye candy), and county fair foto updates...

Getty Goodies

We hit the big town, L.A., on 4th of July weekend.
Took in a Dodgers game (great stadium, jeepers).
And, as per usual, jammed to the Getty (which is FREE*).

 The Getty provides SUCH great views, all over the place.
If you're a minimalist who adores the sky,
it's pretty heavenly.

My shabby view whilst munching on chips. Such a sad life...

Found a young fence lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis) warming on the travertine stone, therein.

Ambitious vines. =)
Anyone know what that species is? I don't...

Bougainvillea is one of my favorite plants.
And I love these little iron trees it's growing upon.

County Fair Photo Exhibit Update

The view from the Ferris wheel.

SUPER quick update.

I was nervous 'cause it's a MUCH bigger county.
So "Bear" and I dove into the photo exhibit,
found nine of mine, and I got eight ribbons. EIGHT!
(ok, so most were actually stickers, not ribbons, but whatever.)

SUPER cool. I was stunned.

Of course I'd thought I'd turned in 10 photos, but wasn't positive.

So, even though it's a much bigger county (population-wise),
my theory re: how I won so many
is that they may get fewer photos entered
than our county 'cause we've got LOTS of retired folks w/time
versus the younger, working folks in that county?
Who knows.

ANYhow, I was thrilled to my toes.

Two hours later, Bear & I returned to the exhibit
'cause it was BOILING hot outside and we had time to kill before the rodeo.

So, strolling around the whole building,
I hear my husband laughing, and he says, "I found the 10th photo!"

And he's pointing to this:

Holy crap.

That's my photo (taken at the Getty, kisses to them!)
that I'd entered into the architecture category.
And we couldn't find my 10th photo earlier
'cause it was in a totally different place for all the FATTY ribbon winners.


So, yes, that was bitchin. =)

I highly recommend joining the county fair photo fray
if you are photographically inclined.

It's FUN.

And winning or not, it gets your buns to the fair.
Which is always great.

As is the always-amazing Ferris wheel.

What a heavenly invention.

Next Fair Photo Exhibit: this weekend!

The day I turned in my photos for this next fair photo exhibit,
there were a LOT of BEAUTIFUL, interesting photos there already.

I was very impressed.
It's a multi-county fair.

Chatting with the woman working there,
one man turned in 100 photos. ONE HUNDRED.

Took me three days to do 10.

So, even if I win nothing,
I'll have a pile of photographic eye-candy to pig out on. =)

And, of course, we'll always have the Ferris wheel...


*parking is not free, but if you take public transportation there (city bus?),
I believe it won't cost you anything beyond your bus ticket. And it's AMAZING.


  1. Congratulations on the ribbons and stickers!

    1. Thanks so much! =) It was super exciting. And I just love staring at other people's work. =)

  2. Congrats. I've always loved your photography......glad to see it's appreciated where it counts as well!4

  3. Replies
    1. You're speakin' my language, chica. Woot! =) xo


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