Sunday, August 25, 2013

'cause I can't stop obsessing about the Rim Fire: great raw video (+cute spotted fawns on my porch)

"Bear" is the passenger in the truck with the flashing lights (at 2:16).
Apparently they'd pulled over to suggest to the gentleman parked there that
HE MAY WANT TO DRIVE AWAY so perchance he'd not roast.

All I want to do all day is look for video and photos and read stats about this rager.

I owe you a post re: quiz winners, & I've been getting a lot of wildlife near our house, etc.,
but any time I'm on this computer I just look for Rim Fire data, so my apologies.

There are some photos on Twitter (biobabbler) of wildlife,
and I'll include a few here, 'cause y'all deserve it.

The smaller of the 2 fawns, I believe.



The wildlife have been doing a good job of cheering and entertaining me.
Gotta love baby deer on your back porch.


(P.S. The fire is not near our house
so these little deer are safe in that regard.
Though they are lethally cute.)


  1. Cute fawns!
    And wow-that must be so scary being so close to those fires. I hope everyone gets out safely!


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